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"TO ALL ALIVE," a double-CD album featuring the complete piano works of composer Maxim Shalygin, performed by acclaimed Ukrainian pianist Antonii Baryshevskyi.

This album fulfills a long-cherished wish: a recording of the piano works that Shalygin composed between 2004 and 2024, many of which were written specifically for Baryshevskyi, who has been a profound source of inspiration for the composer. Spanning two decades, these works reflect a deep friendship, a shared creative journey, and mutual artistic development. They also stand as a testament to their tireless commitment to enriching the piano repertoire with groundbreaking new works.

One of Baryshevskyi’s remarkable qualities is his passion for contemporary music, alongside his extensive repertoire of classical works. For Baryshevskyi, the boundary between “classical” and “modern” is fluid, as every masterpiece of the past was once contemporary music. He believes that a performer’s role is to bring new compositions to life, translating them into sound and ensuring their place in the evolving musical canon. Baryshevskyi has performed Shalygin’s works since their student days at the Kyiv Conservatory. Despite Shalygin’s move to the Netherlands in 2010, the two maintained a close creative bond, and during this period, several solo pieces were written for Baryshevskyi.

CD presentation:

1st February 2025, Classical Now! Paleiskerk, The Hague, NL – More details here.

2nd March 2025,  Pianola Museum, Amsterdam, NL – More details here.

Digital release: Spring 2025, TBA.


Recorded at: Haagspianohuis / May 11-13, 2024; Steppenwolf studio / November 25-27, 2024

Recorded by: Steppenwolf studio.

Recording producer and recording engineer: Slava Poprugin.

Executive producers: Antonii Baryshevskyi, Maxim Shalygin & Anya Reshetniak.

Liner notes: Anna Reshetniak.

Interviewer: Alexander Sushinsky.

Translation of interviews & editing: Paul van der Woerd

Design: Anastasiia Starko.

Booklet layout: Oleksiy Chekal

We are very grateful to the Société Gavigniès and Nederlands Letterenfonds for their generous financial support. Special thanks go to Anna Reshetniak, Alexander Sushynskyi and Slava Poprugin, Goethe-Institut and Classical NOW! HaagsPianoHuis for hosting us during recording.

This concert marks the final performance of 2024.  Lera Manzovitova

I am so happy that the year's last concert of 2024 was so successful. Bravo to my colleaques Oksana Mukosii  and Vladyslav Petryk !

It was also the fifth and final concert of our SplenDoor to Ukraine pilot season, which was one of the most important projects for me in 2024. I'd like to thank Ihor Sukhorukov, who helped make this happen. He's a lecturer and cultural enthusiast and the project's co-author. Thanks also to VATAHA, haarlem4ukraine and Classical Now for their media and organisational support!

My huge gratefulness to Splendor , that make it all actually possible, and the incredible people of Splendor who helped us with everything!

Stay tuned - we will announce new events very soon!

Opera Amandante in the list of the best projects of classical music for the year 2024

What is Amandante? An anti-opera, perhaps. Inspired by Plato’s Symposium, Shalygin wrote a wondrous, stylistically diverse work. The premiere took a while to get going, but then a masterful dramaturgy swept you along on a rollercoaster of emotions, in a triumph of musical imagination.


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